London Fields wrapped; Doug Milsome ASC / BSC in Ukraine follows...

After an eventful couple of months on London Fields it finally came to a close on 27th October. We've shot some very funny stuff with some lovely performances from the lovely Amber Heard, the charming Jim Sturgess, the ever hysterical Billy Bob Thornton, Theo James and of course the legendary Johnny Depp. I have my fingers secretly crossed for this one... I enjoyed making it tremendously.

Still, after a 10 pm wrap I had six hours to get home, check my kit, pack a bag for a month+ for Ukrainian weather (who knows?) and get a 4.30 am car to Heathrow. I went out meet Doug Milsome ASC, BSC, the legend behind Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, The Last of the Mohicans (of which he shot a large amount but after a fall out with the director was only given an Additional Photography credit after being the main DP on the job. Politics, eh?).

I operated A camera and Steadicam for Doug and had a great time being privy to his classic old school film industry sense of humour which feels very natural to me as I hear it from my dad and always did. There's something that tells you you're working with one of the greats when you get this feeling. Someone who answers the pressures of production by saying, "Oh, we're falling behind, are we? Well, why don't you just get the actors to act a bit quicker and I'll just pan faster. That should have us back on track by lunch!", will always be held in high esteem by me!

That was Doug. He's a legend and a lovely guy and now that we're back here i'm starting to miss him already! 
